Bailey Doll

New York Mills, 6th Grade

你有没有想过,如果你是市长,你会怎么做,让你的城市变得更好? Well if you haven’t, 希望这篇文章能让你们思考,因为它让我思考了很多. The things that I started to think about are street maintenance, the community, and what’s happening that is good in our town.

街道维护是非常重要的,因为如果没有它,就会有太多的车祸,人们甚至在路上. With street maintenance there will be less accidents. 防止我们发生事故的东西是交通灯和标志. If the people want to get a certain sign in their neighborhood, 我会尽我最大的努力让那些认为他们的社区应该有这样的标志或警告的人更容易完成这个过程. Or, if they have any other questions, 他们可以问我任何与他们遇到的问题相关的问题.

社区是一个城市最重要的东西之一. 这很重要,因为社区这个词象征着团结在一起,互相帮助,变得更好. 参与是你能为自己做的最好的事情之一,也是你想要参与的事情. 这是一件好事的另一个原因是,你可以结交很多朋友. 只要想想你能做和应该做的所有好事,通过参与一个社区. 参加任何社区都是一件好事,因为它会让每个人都有宾至如归的感觉.

我的家乡有我喜欢的东西,也有我认为应该添加的东西. 当我想到什么是好的时候,我的脑海里会浮现出很多东西,但最主要的是我们镇上所有伟大的人. 我想给纽约米尔斯补充一点,那就是任何人都可以去了解纽约米尔斯. Although Mills has a website, which is more convenient these days, 希望像我这样的人会认为创造一个地方去了解米尔斯是个好主意. 它可以让人们走出家门,这总是一件好事.

Street maintenance can be improved, and community, it’s important to be together, and you can learn a lot from being involved in one. 在我的城市里有很多好东西,我认为这些东西可以被注意到或做得更好. Now that I’m done, what would you do if you were mayor for the day?


Zahra Kaderbhai

Shoreview, 6th Grade

As a mayor for a day, 我会启动一个新项目,让社区里的人们在城市公园和其他开放空间等公共区域重新种植树木. 树木是如此重要,它们给我们新鲜的空气,保持我们和地球的健康. Trees are also homes to many animals and critters. Maple trees are my favorite.

两年前的夏天,我们不得不砍掉后院的三棵白蜡树,因为有翠绿的白蜡树蛀虫. 这些树为鸟类和松鼠提供了荫凉和庇护,它们的逝去让我们感到悲伤. 不幸的是,由于同样的问题,市澳门网络娱乐游戏平台也在拆除附近的其他树木. 我的计划的目标是确保我们尽可能多地替换丢失的树木.

Here’s how my program would work:

  • 选择一个地点:我会提供一个城市砍伐树木的区域列表. You can select a spot to plant a new one.
  • Apply for permission: Apply to the city. 如果获得批准,你会收到一块写有你名字和种植日期的牌匾.
  • Plant a tree: Pick a tree seeding from a local garden center. Attach the plaque to your tree and watch it grow!
  • 庆祝:树木可以在生日或毕业等特殊场合种植, inspiring others to join in!

I would also set up a way for people to donate trees. During the summer, 我爸爸有时会把我们花园里多余的树苗拔出来, and I believe others do the same. 我鼓励每个人都盆栽,并将它们捐赠给当地的树木苗圃或园艺中心.



Elina Larsen

Byron, 5th Grade

Hi! My name is Elina Larsen. Have you ever wanted to be the mayor even just for a day? 好吧,我要告诉你如果我是市长我会做的三件事.

首先,我会建一个警察局,这样警察就不必从罗切斯特来了. Instead we should build one in Byron so police can come faster. 警察局的另一个原因是我觉得如果我有一个工作的地方, I would feel appreciated. 我认为给他们建一个警察局会很好,这样他们会感到更受欢迎.

Second, I think we should open some retirement places. It would be easier to see your nana and papa. 我觉得让他们不用担心找一个好的退休场所会很好. Also more elderly would come live in our community.

最后,我会为残疾人提供更好的通道. I feel like they would feel more appreciated. 我相信每个人都会感到更受欢迎,更容易相处.

这就是我认为拜伦需要成为一个适合人们居住的好地方的一切. These are the things I would do if I were mayor for a day.


Claire Westlund

St. Louis Park, 6th Grade

My name is Claire Westlund and I live in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. 如果我是当天的市长,我会想见见所有和我一起工作的人,确定他们有什么工作,这样我就知道该找谁做什么了, as well as to just meet and interact with my fellow peers.

我想找出那些被浪费掉的空地和空间. Like a big empty lot of something like that. 这些空间总是让我想到一些我认为在那里会更好看的东西. Such as a playground or walking nature strip or dog park. 即使是商店或户外就餐区也比一个空旷的大水泥地有趣得多.

我敢打赌,有很多人有商业想法,但却没有展示和分享酷的空间, creative ideas. 或者它们也可以变成全新的、独特的东西.

我还想至少开始净化明尼苏达州的湖泊. Out of the over 10,000 lakes there are 2,409 of them are polluted. 我就住在灯火池旁边,那简直就是个巨大的下水道垃圾场. 如果我是今天的市长,我会努力清理一些垃圾.
