警察 Officer

Help people in crisis, uphold laws that keep residents safe, spend time meeting people, 与社区建立积极的关系.

Erin Nordrum, police officer, St. 路易公园

Why she shows up: 我工作中最有意义的部分就是听到小女孩的声音, their parents, or their authority figures point to me and say, “看, you can be whatever you want to be. She’s a police officer.” I still get that, even in this day and age. 每次我给小孩子做演讲, 我总是问她们在见到我之前是否知道女孩子也可以当警察, 太. And many of them don’t.

St. 路易斯公园非常重视社区成员的参与. We are full-heartedly, 180 percent into community-involved policing, and have been for 20-plus years, which helps us serve our community better. 我们的警员以多种方式参与社区活动, 是什么帮助我们更好地了解我们的社区,尤其是在这样一个动荡的时代. We’re constantly trying to better ourselves.

How she got the job (and how you could 太): I grew up in a really small town in Wisconsin. When I was in high school, 我家乡的警察局长来给我们班讲课,谈到了他的工作,以及他是如何不在四面墙之内工作的, rather he works throughout the whole community. 他每天都出去认识新朋友,做不同的事情. 我担心我不能胜任他的工作,因为我只有5英尺2英寸高。. So, 我问他这个问题,他说警察要聪明,要善于沟通, and that it was no longer about how tall, big, or how many punches you can throw. 这一直困扰着我,从那时起,我就想,“是的,我想成为一名警察.”

我去了威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校,并获得了刑事司法学士学位, 然后我参加了威斯康星州的警察培训. 后来我搬到了明尼苏达州,在圣路易斯市找到了一份社区服务官员的工作. 路易公园, 我需要通过技能培训(一个学期学习警察工作背后的理论和推理), 还有一个学期的学习,比如开警车, shooting a gun, and conducting interrogation interviews, 等.),然后我才有资格获得执照. I started as a licensed police officer in St. 路易公园 in 2002.

What’s the job like? 每天都不一样,我在社区里遇到很多人. I’m not confined to four walls, 这样我就可以认识社会上不同的人, 包括刚到我们城市和乡村的人,以及在圣. 路易公园 their whole lives. 我每天都能认识新朋友,听他们的故事. 我可以从他们的眼中看到这个城市和这个世界.

But we also see and hear bad things. 我们在人们生命中最糟糕最可怕的日子里陪伴他们, and that puts a toll on police officers. People forget that we’re human 太.

我保护所有人,不论种族、性别、性取向或宗教. 我只是想保护,服务,让人们感到安全. 无论他们是受害者、证人还是犯罪嫌疑人,我都会公平对待每一个人. Everyone has the right to feel safe.

Scott Kent headshot斯科特·肯特,亚历山大警察局局长

Why he shows up: 修复和寻找问题的解决方案——这就是我的动力. 我是一个解决问题的人,我需要挑战. However minimal it is, 它是在这些小问题成为社区问题之前修复它们,并为人们提供工具来做到这一点. 如果你能一次改变一个社区,也许你就能改变整个社区.

How he got the job (and how you could 太): 我在北达科他州的西法戈长大,在那里高中毕业,然后去了摩尔黑德州立大学. 我接受了我能找到的第一份工作,最后来到了华普顿, 北达科他, and then I moved over here to Alexandria. 我长大后可没说我想当巡警, 但是当我在七年级和八年级的时候,有几个足球教练在那个项目里,他们是来自西法戈警察局的警察. 其中一个是调查员,另一个是巡警. Those were cool guys. 他们没有穿制服,但他们都是很酷的家伙, and we enjoyed the heck out of playing for them. 在我的高中课程中,大约有三年的时间,至少有24名毕业生后来成为了警察.

Here in Alexandria, 我们尽量雇佣平易近人的好人, that are kind, 理解别人生活中的处境. 所有这些警察技能,比如戴手铐和枪法,都是可以训练的技能. But we cannot teach “nice.“你不可能让一个人接受培训,成为一个真正的好人. 谦卑, the ability to listen and think critically, coupled with being a nice person, allows that open interaction with people.

What’s the job like? 在明尼苏达州中部,我可以在别人的度假胜地工作和生活. 我们想提供一个家乡社区的感觉与一个轻松的氛围. 这并不是说我们不能提供这样的服务, that protection, but we try not to be on edge. We try to put people at ease. 我们正试图以社区希望被监管的方式来监管社区.

你可以在一个弹指之间从一个交通停车到对一场致命事故做出反应. 这周有个家伙想用绳子、老鼠药和防冻剂自杀. Our investigator was on the scene for that, 然后他不得不离开去给养老院的居民做一个关于诈骗和欺诈的报告. I’ve been in law enforcement for 21 years; I can honestly say I’ve never had two days that were even remotely the same.

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