
If your city suspects or believes it has already experienced a data breach or other type of 网络 or privacy event, 请立即致电(800)925-1122与LMCIT索赔人员联系. 请不要犹豫,给我打电话. Our claims staff will help you confirm, respond to, and recover from a 网络 incident.

The 明尼苏达城市联盟 保险信托 (LMCIT) provides broad coverage for members’ 网络 and other computer-related risks. 它是根据以下覆盖部分发布的.


LMCIT’s first-party 网络 coverage will respond in two ways: 1) To a member’s 怀疑 数据安全漏洞,和/或2)会员的 实际 声称是由于他们自己的数据泄露或网络事件造成的. 这种保险以前是在LMCIT的财产保险下提供的, but it is now in a standalone coverage document with an explicit premium charge.


  1. 数据安全漏洞响应成本, 比如法律和信息技术咨询, 向受影响人士发出通知, 信用监控和身份盗窃服务, 以及为应对违约而发生的其他合理费用.
  2. Loss of revenue, extra expense, and expediting expense caused by a 网络 virus or hacking attack.
  3. Cost to reproduce or restore electronic data that’s been damaged or destroyed by unauthorized intrusive codes or programming, 比如病毒, 黑客, 或者类似的攻击.
  4. Cost to repair or replace computer equipment rendered nonfunctional for its intended purpose due to unauthorized intrusive codes or programming, 比如病毒, 黑客, 或者类似的攻击.

There is a $250,000 aggregate limit per member for the first-party coverage. 会员可以将限额提高到500美元,000 for an additional premium charge if they can answer yes to the following loss control questions.

  • 是否为所有员工提供年度网络培训?
  • 是否有电脑使用政策?
  • 在互联网和会员网络之间有防火墙吗?
  • 是否每月更新杀毒软件和Windows软件?
  • 是否有每月的数据备份程序?

In addition to the aggregate, there is a shared pool limit threshold for first-party 网络 claims. 由于共同的原因,成员们共享1000万美元的限额, 或者类似的网络索赔源于一个事件, 在12个月内,总限额为2500万美元.


LMCIT的市政责任保险, 哪个是基于索赔的, will respond to another party’s claim that has resulted from a member’s data security breach or other computer-related risk. The cost for this coverage is included in members’ overall liability premiums.

每次事故的标准限额为200万美元. 然而,年度总限额有两个:

  • 每年合计300万元(该年度的总保额), regardless of the number of claims) for third-party liability claims arising out of data security breaches.
  • $250,000 annual aggregate/sublimit (part of and not in addition to the $3 million data security breach aggregate) for payment card industry (PCI) fines, 处罚, and assessments; and data security breach regulatory fines and 处罚 resulting from a data security breach claim.


  • 会员因侵犯隐私或违反数据惯例而被起诉. This could result from 实际 or potential unauthorized access by an outside party of private or confidential data stored in the member’s computer system.
  • Member fails to prevent a hack into an emergency dispatch, traffic light, or water tower system. The incident doesn’t necessarily involve the unauthorized acquisition of personal or confidential data.
  • A member employee loses a laptop from which a criminal accesses the employee’s files, including employee names with Social Security numbers and other confidential information. One or more employees incur damages because of the unauthorized acquisition of data.
  • A member’s accounts receivable system, which contains names and credit card numbers, is hacked. 个人因此遭受损害.

LMCIT’s liability coverage also applies to other types of computer-related liability claims members can face that don’t involve a data security breach. 每年300万美元的总额不适用于这类索赔. 例子包括:

  • 会员雇员使用会员的电子邮件系统进行性行为, 种族, 或对其他员工的其他骚扰.
  • 成员员工订阅与工作相关的Listserv, 对供应商发表评论, 被控告诽谤.
  • Member employee uses member’s web access to view pornography; another employee sees it and sues the member for a hostile work environment.
  • 会员因其网站侵犯版权或商标而被起诉.


Members that have LMCIT’s property coverage receive standard crime coverage for no additional premium charge. The standard limit is $250,000 per occurrence for the following types of claims:

  • 因被外界盗窃而造成的金钱损失, 包括通过电子手段盗窃, 比如电汇诈骗.
  • Losses resulting from credit card fraud that are not otherwise reimbursable by the issuer, 老板, 或者是持卡人. 然而, 信用卡诈骗造成损失,涉及销售点终端, the coverage terms may be restricted unless and until further action is taken by the member to prevent future losses by installing and converting to credit card chip technology.


  • 欺诈性指令索赔, which are defined by LMCIT as a “loss resulting from an employee’s reliance on fraudulent instructions from a person purporting to be a fellow employee or a representative from an individual or entity that provided or will provide goods or services to the member.”


LMCIT’s bond coverage is an optional coverage available to members of the property/casualty program. 债券保险将对内部一方盗窃成员资金作出反应, 包括通过电子手段盗窃. 每次事故的保释金限额在5万至300万美元之间.


LMCIT’s auto physical damage coverage responds to auto damages caused by a computer virus or hacking attack. There is an exclusion for loss caused by unauthorized intrusive codes of programming, 比如电脑病毒或黑客攻击. 然而, there is an exception for damage resulting from a collision caused by the disablement or commandeering of steering, 制动或其他车辆控制.


Underwriters are available to assist with questions about coverages and more. 与LMCIT承销商联系,请访问 联盟明尼苏达城市工作人员页面 并在“部门”一栏下选择“承保”.

The League offers additional resources to help members with computer-related risks.